23 de jun. de 2003

Ontem o Marco entrou no ICQ da Bianca Soriano (yeah, b for bianca! I rawk!!).. e ele alou com a karyme pq leu o histórico delas duas..ahuahu mt foda.. a karyme ligou no meu celular só pra eu entrar no ICQ!!


who are YOU
well this is marco and i want to know who you are cuz youve been talking shit
i have no clue who the hell you are
and your out of your mind cuz i love this girl
whatever ......learn how to freakin type.......i dont know who you are but quit talking shit to bianca cuz i love her........i sure as hell DONT LOVE YOU

karyme: i just dont know why you are doing this with me
i know you just like fucking her but it's not necessarly to hurt my feelings

i'll never forget all the beauthings you told me
you mean a lot to me

i love you
stop ignoring me
i know you love me sillyy

Meu, bianca soriano deve morreeeeer...

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